April 4, 1968… To They in History

To They in History U2 will sing a song, and it goes a little something like this:

The Hilltop (1971) .:. D1A056DF-B83C-46CB-86C0-7970867BBDA6 🌬 “Quisiera al mundo darle hogar y llenarlo de amor (en perfecta armonía)”

… To celebrate the START of a “New Generation” around the Hill, this message of course is being brought to you by the spirits of G. Gordon Liddy, Vice-President Richard Mulhouse Nixon, and of course the King of Pop, with the taste of “Pecsi*”…

En fin, what would be of this blog if Öüï, y tu mamá también, forget to explain where that there see in between the Pe and the si wearing a Crown comes from, sin embargo, no me es necesario porque el diccionario de mexicanismos define una finca como un conjunto grupero en donde el compadre del llanero solitario se avienta una rola bien perrona al final de un documental de música popular dominguera pero así como quien dice—sin un Raul Velasco.


*_ and, Jonathan Capehart, if NBC “Latino” knows what the sound of “Pecsi” denotes in the Mexican vernacular < then and only then > can the good people at VOTO LATINO may perhaps begin to understand why a “Colombia” approach to the Mexican backyard is not a plug-n-play solution to our Legacy problems, but go ahead don’t let Mí warn you. Go ahead and drop another Mérida Plan in the pockets of leaders like this handsome fellow:

CONSTANTINO KANTER (morena, candidate)

[Bucket of Chicken image goes here]


Victoria and George where having a conversation. It went like this:
— But, but, but…
— C’mon!
—Isn’t the knee on your neck sufficient enough to see how fucked up that entire situation was?
— I tell you what?
— What?
—Let me pray with you!

And so, with that in mind let’s check with our friend Jonah and see what that sumbitch is up to, eh? And if you are in a RUSH to go to church this morning, relax, “They” have taken care of everything while the pandemic rages on and besides, Jesus hit the snooze button to the Resurrection.

The thing to remember here is that even if that there Constantino Kanter is real, i mean, ask any Frenchi hippie who’s been to Chiapas, the only one who hunts the original peoples from that jungle  is the State (and associates).

https ://www .chiapasparalelo .com /noticias /2021/03 /constantino-kanter-de-cazador-de-indigenas-y-campesinos-a-candidato-de-morena/

And no para-lelo me v’andar diciendo that a Syndic or it’s equivalent in Guatemalan stolen territory is going to act all Ancien Regime allá por los parajes del Peje… pos’ que La Chingada.



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