Previously on, Los Huevos de El General — Don’t forget to flush… what are you FRENCH!

Goooooooood morning Paris!


DECIDEJAZZ is in full Swing … en negritas ⚖️ CDBDD28B-E916-43B0-B0E0-751591A2F12A 🔭 And, love: isn’t it Ironic.
Sur la decision fixant le pays de destination:

11. En se bornant à soutenir que les minorités hispaniques SONT VICTIMES DE RACISM, ou qu’il déjà étè expose à des discriminations aux Etats-Unis en raison de ses origines mexicaines, M. Segovia n’établit qu’il risquerait d’être expose à des traitements inhumaines ou dégradants en cas de retour aux Etat-Unis. Le moyen tiré de la méconnaissance de l’article 3 de la YADA, Yada, yada convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme (¡y de la mujer también… bola de putos!!!) et des libertés fondamentales doit être écarté.

Öüï reminds our non-reading audience that to celebrate tonight’s Mexican Revolution Eve, the governments of FRANCE*, The United States, and of course, México agreed that the best thing to do about El General Cienfuegos (💯🔥’s) was to just let him go back to the State of Toluca, where los Amigos de FRANCIA en México will prepare a feast for the returning General. VIVA EL TRIBUNAL ADMINISTRATIVO de París, and of course, QUE viva la French Civil Servant STEPHANIE MENOU and her supervisor Bruno of the 6th and 7th dépôt office at Cité… (75004)

* Why La France? Go check out our section of the brown Mexican military eagles at the 2015 Bastille Day Parade, and this book.

Meanwhile in California, Evry Body wants to be a Cat!

Planet Carmel by LA Mer

Planet Carmel by LA Mer[de].


On the menu:
— Steamed salmon with Asparagus (sans aspersions*) on white rice with choice of Molho de Caril and Harissa de Carthage.

Of course, the very french

Of course, the very french… 17A752C9-D71C-4BB4-A933-19AFA284DBB5 … [N]ever make collaborations… wait scratch that! The Very French never made Voltaire… or something like that.

… and Tom Nichols, “Zeppelin goes here!” , motherfucker.

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