Fuck you, Tim Apple

And in CHINA!

Jour et Nuit... Öüï seen a Squat or two

Jour et Nuit… Öüï seen a Squat or two, so we covered it.

It’s Saturday Night!!!

…[B]ut F.O.ist, we [the staff] of this most non–CONSEQUENTIAL blog return to:

Estimada, Alcaldesa Anne Hidalgo…

* for the record, the context is not the Regime, but the Technology, and of course the methods, so bear with u.s. as öüï try to deconstruct a most-CONSEQUENTIAL coverage of life in the City with “the best germs” (as read on a Parisian poster wall) on the face of the Planet Earth.

That's right Judge Pirro

That’s right Judge Pirro, öüï can only hope that with the New France–Mexique exchange agreement¹, common A Priori knowledge (senses) is not sacrificed for A Posteriori wisdom (Technical proficiency), now Madame Hidalgo, last week we made the mistake of invoking Godwin’s Law to show the absurdity of a Very Part•i•cular situation to an 1901 Association president, so let u.s. explain, before the Editor–in–Chief at the Préfecture de Police à Paris gets all his “slips” in a bunch.:. 1FAE33D2-FE60-4BD0-A9A1-1DFD09ECA991 •|•

About yesterday’s message; the security cameras at the Municipal Showers at Beaubourg will not let me construct any non-deliverable Circumstantial Evidence.

Reference for 1901 Assosiation presidents, and their “uncle tom” Gknomes… you know who you are:

Escatológicamente charlando

Escatológicamente charlando

* https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_de_Godwin

1. https ://www .eleconomista .com .mx/internacionales/Mexico-y-Francia-firman-seis-acuerdos-para-mejorar-cooperacion-bilateral-20191219-0063.

“El sexto acuerdo firmado fue multilateralismo eficaz“.

Fuentes en El Economista confirman que la La Función Pública no supo quién chingados firmó ese sexto “el tercero después de los TRES primeros firmados“, recalcó la profesora Irma Sandoval, directora del organismo profesionalizado para prevenir conflictos de intereses y, ex colaboradora de un antiguo agitador profesionista y adversario incomodo a los descalabros del antiguo régimen PRIANista, John Mill Ackerman; hoy relegado a portavoz auxiliar (no oficial) en el gobierno del patrón de su esposa Eréndira Ballesteros, encargada de La Secretaría de La Función Pública en el Gobierno (auto proclamado) en una Cuarta Transformación de Mexico, o algo así.

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