Tou Dou with Commandant BEANER; pronounced: Beinier

… [I]f you insist.
But bee advised, “that Players typically use their no-trade clauses not to actually block trades to undesirable cities (such as BOSTON) but rather to gain leverage”,

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text follows, pero mientras eso pasa les recordamos al comité de asuntos en elDorado, that right now is no time for Siesta.

Right now is no time for Siesta; season önë, pilot episode.

La Alianza de las oposiciones: figaro, figaro, fig—ah–ro.

La Alianza de las oposiciones: figaro, figaro, fig—ah–ro.

Sustitución de importaciones y la industriosa fayuca se van a comprar cigarros a Hong Kong.

—– M.OR.E. —–

Mafiosa: La telenovela de la semana pasada, ce soir.

Bannonist Watch: While you, [motherfuckers] on the Last Week Tonight frequency were sound asleep, French Nationalism mounted their santa patrona on a horse: Kate McKinnon, reports.

"It's the beat 2 Keep »

“It’s the beat 2 Keep”:DC00ED0C-8B0E-4C9B-BE71-0759A808DD01… hey, what’s your name? Nice pose you got there?

El Universo marbel de La Lucha Catch de los Franchutes de La Mutualité.

Amada amante

¿Amada amante?

Dear, French people: Fascist don’t do Jazz. Fascist can’t improvise. Juana no era fascista… trust Mí, the bitch told me Last Night—Today.ête_nationale_de_Jeanne_d%27Arc_et_du_patriotisme

So, if worst come to worst: vote for your local D.O.G. party.

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